Running line • A modern lyceum school is a place where a child accumulates the experience of broad knowledge
Department of Culture of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

+7 (777) 777-77-77

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Running line • A modern lyceum school is a place where a child accumulates the experience of broad knowledge

The Daughters of the victim of political repression Eszhanov Boranbay, Ayan and Ayat Boranbaykyzy and Momyna Gulbahira, a descendant of Kozhamuratov Ilyas, specially came to the museum on behalf of all generations and planted trees in the courtyard of the museum with employees. It is a special pleasure for them to participate in the development of the institution, which, according to generations, tells about the life of their repressed ancestors!

On behalf of the museum staff, we thank all the descendants of the victims of repression who took part in the event and wish them good health and tireless strength!