Running line • A modern lyceum school is a place where a child accumulates the experience of broad knowledge
Department of Culture of the Akimat of Kostanay region.

+7 (777) 777-77-77

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Running line • A modern lyceum school is a place where a child accumulates the experience of broad knowledge

On May 31, on the day of remembrance of victims of political repression and famine, descendants of victims of repression, who arrived specially from Shymkent and a number of districts of the Turkestan region, gathered at the Kasiret memorial.Together with the descendants of the victims of political repression in Shymkent, they laid flowers at the statue of "Mother and Child". Then the descendants visited the Shymkent City Museum of Victims of Political Repression and got acquainted with the exhibition. The continuation of the event was organized by the Republika Party. The guests shared the stories of their ancestors and were awarded with letters of thanks. During the event, the director of the museum, Askarova Maria Kelesovna, was awarded the medal "Sultanbek Kozhanov-130 years old".  Also, in honor of the date, the museum held an open day and welcomed more than 500 guests.
On behalf of the museum staff, we express our gratitude to all the guests who took part in the event!           Honoring the memory of the victims of political repression is our common duty to the people!